Kuali GraphQL Documentation


Get documents

Search, filter and sort documents of an app.

Jump to a query
Recent approvals Stalled approvals Text searching


The GraphQL API provides rich search, filter and sort capabilities to enable you to retrieve documents for a variety of needs. We provide multiple use cases here.

Recent approvals

After documents are approved, you may want to automatically sync data from the completed documents into another system. To do this you'll need to retrieve the approved documents that were approved most recently.


  • Filter for approved documents
  • Filter for documents changed since a given date.


Variables are used to filter and sort the results. These variables do three things:

  • Sort by the updatedAt field which is part of the document's meta data.
  • Includes documents where worflowStatus is Complete. That's the state of fully approved documents.
  • Include documents where updatedAt is after Sat Feb 11 2023 07:00:00 GMT+0000. Note how dates are always set with a Unix time stamp in milliseconds.
  "appId": "5f6a352488cf8c6265478e3d",
  "skip": 0,
  "limit": 25,
  "sort": [
  "query": "",
  "fields": {
    "type": "AND",
    "operators": [
        "field": "meta.workflowStatus",
        "type": "IS",
        "value": "Complete"
        "field": "meta.updatedAt",
        "type": "RANGE",
        "min": "1676098800000"



        query (
  $appId: ID!
  $skip: Int!
  $limit: Int!
  $sort: [String!]
  $query: String
  $fields: Operator
) {
  app(id: $appId) {
      args: {
        skip: $skip
        limit: $limit
        sort: $sort
        query: $query
        fields: $fields
      keyBy: ID
    ) {
      edges {
        node {
      pageInfo {



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                          "node": {
                            "id": "5f6a389d77d701400f543a29",
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                                "label": "Pat Jensen"
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                              "z2g54Ogo9j": 1601596800000,
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                                "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
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                                "firstName": "Pat",
                                "lastName": "Jensen",
                                "label": "Pat Jensen"
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                                "id": "5f6a2c933b89c10014407263",
                                "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
                                "username": "31824387",
                                "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                "schoolId": "1",
                                "firstName": "Pat",
                                "lastName": "Jensen",
                                "label": "Pat Jensen"
                              "createdAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:09.948Z",
                              "serialNumber": "0001",
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                              "simulation": {
                                "applicationId": "5f6a352488cf8c6265478e3d",
                                "associatedDocumentIds": [
                                "complete": true,
                                "steps": [
                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:54.155Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a389d3d9468cdbdfd17ae",
                                    "name": "Form Submission",
                                    "status": "Completed",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:09.958Z",
                                    "stepDefinitionId": "5f6a35243d9468da65fd16ac",
                                    "type": "formfill",
                                    "signatures": [],
                                    "users": [
                                        "updatedBy": {
                                          "id": "kuali-system",
                                          "impersonatedBy": null
                                        "role": "admin",
                                        "systemNotifications": "all",
                                        "approved": true,
                                        "active": true,
                                        "products": [],
                                        "batman": false,
                                        "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                        "username": "31824387",
                                        "firstName": "Pat",
                                        "lastName": "Jensen",
                                        "name": null,
                                        "ssoProps": {},
                                        "createdAt": 1600793747817,
                                        "updatedAt": 1603406773635,
                                        "groupId": null,
                                        "phone": null,
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                                        "mongoId": "5f6a2c933b89c10014407263",
                                        "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
                                        "ssoId": "31824387",
                                        "workflowAction": {
                                          "action": "completed",
                                          "date": "2020-09-22T17:47:53.966Z",
                                          "comment": null
                                    "simulated": false
                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:54.889Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a38ca74316a173598bb8e",
                                    "isRetry": false,
                                    "name": "Notify Submitter",
                                    "status": "Completed",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:54.219Z",
                                    "stepDefinitionId": "5f6a37c7632636bbf76b2a6f",
                                    "type": "notification",
                                    "groups": [],
                                    "users": [
                                        "displayName": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                        "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                        "id": "anonymous",
                                        "workflowAction": {
                                          "action": "notified",
                                          "date": "2020-09-22T17:47:54.889Z"
                                    "simulated": false
                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:50:47.864Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a38cb74316a7b9a98bb91",
                                    "isRetry": false,
                                    "meta": {},
                                    "name": "Manager Approval",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:47:54.979Z",
                                    "status": "Approved",
                                    "stepDefinitionId": "5f6a37c763263600e66b2a72",
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                                        "username": "31824387",
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                                        "lastName": "Jensen",
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                                        "ssoProps": {
                                          "roles": "employee;vpn;support-zendesk;Loggly Users;Bowie Impersonate;bld-pm;bld-engineer-lead;salt-api;bld-engineer;chatops-bld;engineer;aws-bld;Build Impersonate;devops;ipausers;zone-prod"
                                        "createdAt": 1600793747817,
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                                        "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
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                                        "workflowAction": {
                                          "action": "approved",
                                          "date": "2020-09-22T17:50:47.672Z",
                                          "comment": ""
                                    "signatures": [],
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                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:16.375Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a39783d9468ac0efd17d3",
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                                    "meta": {},
                                    "name": "Department Chair Approval",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:50:48.038Z",
                                    "status": "Approved",
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                                        "name": "History",
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                                        "roleId": "1",
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                                            "batman": false,
                                            "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                            "username": "31824387",
                                            "firstName": "Pat",
                                            "lastName": "Jensen",
                                            "name": null,
                                            "ssoProps": {},
                                            "createdAt": 1600793747817,
                                            "updatedAt": 1603406773635,
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                                            "phone": null,
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                                            "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
                                            "ssoId": "31824387",
                                            "workflowAction": {
                                              "action": "approved",
                                              "date": "2020-09-22T17:51:16.039Z",
                                              "comment": "This looks great!"
                                    "users": [],
                                    "signatures": [],
                                    "simulated": false
                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:25.488Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a39953d9468050efd17da",
                                    "isRetry": false,
                                    "name": "Estimated Cost >= $2000",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:17.058Z",
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                                            "id": "5f6a39953d9468cfadfd17d9",
                                            "isRetry": false,
                                            "meta": {},
                                            "name": "College Dean Approval",
                                            "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:16.552Z",
                                            "status": "Approved",
                                            "stepDefinitionId": "5f6a37c7632636135f6b2a78",
                                            "type": "form-approval",
                                            "groups": [
                                                "id": "5e2f5758ac43f3001f1188ac",
                                                "name": "Family, Home and Social Sciences",
                                                "role": "College Dean",
                                                "roleId": "1",
                                                "users": [
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                                                    "active": true,
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                                                    "batman": false,
                                                    "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                                    "username": "31824387",
                                                    "firstName": "Pat",
                                                    "lastName": "Jensen",
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                                                    "ssoProps": {},
                                                    "createdAt": 1600793747817,
                                                    "updatedAt": 1603406773635,
                                                    "groupId": null,
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                                                    "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
                                                    "ssoId": "31824387",
                                                    "workflowAction": {
                                                      "action": "approved",
                                                      "date": "2020-09-22T17:51:25.122Z",
                                                      "comment": ""
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                                        "status": "Complete"
                                    "type": "conditional",
                                    "users": [],
                                    "simulated": false
                                    "completedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:25.768Z",
                                    "id": "5f6a399d3d94685912fd17e6",
                                    "isRetry": false,
                                    "name": "Notify Submitter",
                                    "status": "Completed",
                                    "startedAt": "2020-09-22T17:51:25.603Z",
                                    "stepDefinitionId": "5f6a38853d9468d5adfd1791",
                                    "type": "notification",
                                    "groups": [],
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                                          "id": "5e2f39c4222040001ea1d225",
                                          "impersonatedBy": "ldap:31824387"
                                        "role": "admin",
                                        "systemNotifications": "all",
                                        "approved": true,
                                        "active": true,
                                        "products": [],
                                        "email": "pat.jensen@kies.edu",
                                        "username": "31824387",
                                        "firstName": "Pat",
                                        "lastName": "Jensen",
                                        "name": null,
                                        "ssoProps": {
                                          "roles": "employee;vpn;support-zendesk;Loggly Users;Bowie Impersonate;bld-pm;bld-engineer-lead;salt-api;bld-engineer;chatops-bld;engineer;aws-bld;Build Impersonate;devops;ipausers;zone-prod"
                                        "createdAt": 1600793747817,
                                        "updatedAt": 1600795797155,
                                        "groupId": null,
                                        "phone": null,
                                        "schoolId": null,
                                        "scopesCm": null,
                                        "id": "5f6a2c933b89c10014407263",
                                        "mongoId": "5f6a2c933b89c10014407263",
                                        "displayName": "Pat Jensen",
                                        "ssoId": "31824387",
                                        "workflowAction": {
                                          "action": "notified",
                                          "date": "2020-09-22T17:51:25.768Z"
                                    "simulated": false
                                "status": "Complete"
                              "workflowStatus": "Complete",
                              "workflowTotalRuntime": 255810,
                              "currentWorkflowSteps": [],
                              "submittedAt": 1600796873804,
                              "formContainer": {
                                "id": "5f6a3524e5e9dd071c124ef6",
                                "label": "Travel Request"
                              "title": "0001",
                              "updatedAt": "2021-01-13T22:52:33.566Z",
                              "link": "https://taddgiles.kualibuild.com/app/5f6a352488cf8c6265478e3d/document/5f6a389d77d701400f543a29/view",
                              "workflowData": null
                      "pageInfo": {
                        "hasNextPage": false,
                        "hasPreviousPage": false,
                        "skip": 0,
                        "limit": 25

Stalled approvals

You may want to identify the approvals that are In Progress that have been waiting the longest at their current step. Use the same query as above, but with different variables.


  • Sort the -meta.currentWorkflowSteps.startDate field in reverse order. This sorts the documents with those that have been sitting the longest at the top.
  • Includes documents where worflowStatus is In Progress.
    "appId": "5f6a352488cf8c6265478e3d",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 25,
    "sort": [
    "query": "",
    "fields": {
      "field": "meta.workflowStatus",
      "type": "IS",
      "value": "In Progress"


Text searching

You can also use the query parameter to search for any text in the documents. Note again that this uses the same query defined above.


  • Set the query parameter to the text you want to search on.
    "appId": "5f6a352488cf8c6265478e3d",
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 25,
    "sort": [],
    "query": "Los Angeles"